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Knowledge Base (2)

  1. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, Email Issue: Oracle B2C Service does not currently support Email Address Internationalization in sending responses to addresses that contain non-ASCII characters...
  2. Answer: Environment: Site Configuration, File Manager, Wordlist files, Aliases.txt Oracle B2C Service Resolution: Accented letters (or special characters) can be used in the aliases.txt file...
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Documentation (122)

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    Change rule table orientation rule table in typical X- Y orientation condition taxable income the user can be trusted the risk Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Function Reference (Spanish) condiciones y Conjunción lógica entre dos campos o Disyunción lógica entre dos campos Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Biblioteca de documentación de Intelligent Advisor Copyright © 1994, 2024, Oracle y / o sus filiales Last Updated: 04/30/2024
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    Function Reference (Spanish) y día indicados. DíaExtracción ( <fecha o fecha/hora> ) Devuelve el componente de día Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Function Reference (Italian) linea conclusiva cui segue una prova e Congiunzione logica tra due attributi o Disgiunzione Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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